Project Suma



BIG Announcement! Same passion, new name!

BIG Announcement! Same passion, new name!

For two decades, we have been honored to be a part of the Word Made Flesh community.  We’re grateful for the deep and meaningful foundation they laid for us. 

Word Made Flesh taught us the importance of deep identification with those on the margins and living in poverty. We learned to be shaped by our context and the relationships built on the streets. We first opened the doors of the House of Hope in 2003 as a place for continued hospitality. As we matured in community, we learned how to more fully address our own brokenness and that of others who were hurting.  Programming expanded to holistic intervention for trafficked women, a viable employment option through the social enterprise, SutiSana, a preventative Children's Program, and increased influence into more public spheres.  

In recent years, as we’ve grown and matured in our mission, we’ve begun to dream new dreams for the future. We want to clarify our focus, improve our reporting processes, and support rising Bolivian leaders. We envision even expanding the work throughout Bolivia and beyond. As we have begun to make plans, it has grown clear that our next step is to depart from WMF and become our own entity, ready to make a deep and transformative impact for the exploited women and children of Latin America.

One of the ways we are reflecting this new direction is by changing our name!

Project Suma comes from the language of the indigenous Aymara, some of the most disadvantaged people in the region. ‘Suma’ is Aymara for “good” or “excellent.” In Spanish, it means “to add, or increase,” and in Latin it refers to the culmination of something, completeness. With our new name, we seek to communicate all that we hope and strive for: renewed identity, goodness, health and wholeness for sexually exploited women and their children.

Project Suma reflects our growth over the years. We started small and simple, with a lot of idealism and passion. But 20 years later, long-term, dedicated staff have labored to develop a trauma-informed, holistic model that moves women and their children from victims to thrivers. It’s a method deeply informed by relationship and insightful knowledge of our context that brings results. Our new entity better reflects that story.

Looking to the future

But while the name may be changing, the people and the work that you have made possible, will not. We are still deeply committed to the work that Jesus has called us to. The stories we have shared over the years remain true, and will continue into the future, and the passion we share with you for the women and children that we walk alongside is as fervent as ever!

As Project Suma, here are some of the commitments we make to you:

  • Truth-telling and accountability  

  • Authenticity and transparency  

  • Deep identification among those we serve

  • Meaningful and lasting change for exploited women and their children

  • Jesus as our reason and guide for all that we do

What to expect

We have been working behind the scenes for months to prepare for this change and we are excited to share it with you now. Here is what you need to know:

  • Any gifts given through Word Made Flesh will continue to reach us through the end of 2022.  If you would like to continue supporting the Baker family, you may select "Project Suma staff member."

  • Bank transfers can be sent here: 

Wells Fargo, NA

420 Montgomery St.

San Francisco, CA 94104

Project Suma, Inc

Acct. # 185894447

Routing # 121000248

This is an exciting change for us and we are so thankful for your continued support and friendship. I’d love to hear what you think! Drop us a line at and let us know!

Together on the journey,

Andrea Baker
Executive Director